According to Deadline, Universal released a statement that explaining that filming has been shut down for a untold amount of time.“At this time we feel it is our responsibility to shut down production on Fast & Furious 7 for a period of time so we can assess all options available to move forward with the franchise. We are committed to keeping Fast & Furious fans informed, and we will provide further information to them when we have it,”
The Production of Fast & Furious 7 Officially Postponed - Team Mourns Paul Walker
According to Deadline, Universal released a statement that explaining that filming has been shut down for a untold amount of time.“At this time we feel it is our responsibility to shut down production on Fast & Furious 7 for a period of time so we can assess all options available to move forward with the franchise. We are committed to keeping Fast & Furious fans informed, and we will provide further information to them when we have it,”
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