60-year-old man, Isiaka Alade, who was recently arrested by police for allegedly defiling his 14-year-old daughter blames the act on an evil spirit.Hear his claims: “I cannot remember what I did. An evil spirit always possesses me and as soon as I am done, I will regain my senses. Most especially, my daughter never resisted whenever I touch her
. I am terribly sor­ry; it is the devil. I have even attended different deliverance services, hoping that God will save me. I am sorry but the truth is that I am possessed. No normal father will do such a thing to his daughter. My mistake was allowing her to live with me when I knew that I do not have a wife or woman friend.”
He was picked up by operatives of Lagos State Criminal Investigation Department, Panti when a good Samaritan, who saw him in the act, alerted the police.
The abused teenager in her statement to the police re­vealed that it was her father who deflowered her sometime in 2013.
She alleged that her father convinced her that there was nothing wrong in what he was doing to her. He was accused of buying different gifts for her as a way of wooing her to submit.

culled from: Ynaija

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